Saluki of the year in Sweden 2015
Male #4 Ch Khalils Aynur
Male #9 Ch Khalils Baseem Bikr
Bitch #6 Ch Badavie Voice Of My Heart (sired by Classicus Khalils Canta)
Bitch #16 Ch Khalils Choraafa Cora
Bitch #19 Ch Badavie Velvet Goldmine (sired by Classicus Khalils Canta)
Stud dog
#2 Ch El-Ubaid's Genesis
#4 Ch Classicus Khalils Canta
#16 Ch Khalils Jaham
Brood bitch
#5 Ch Khalils Qudiya L-Amru Scheherazade
Breeder of the year
#4 kennel Khalils
Lure coursing
Male #8 Ch Al A'Lim Jawdat (sired by Khalils Setareh)
Male #11 Khalils Aahron
Male #14 Ch Khalils Baseem Bikr
Male #20 Ch Khalils Aynur
Male #27 Ch Khalils Chafees Chayton Shariar
Male #27 Khalils Yona
Bitch #1 Khalils Calista Canace
Bitch #2 Ch Al A'Lim Janan (sired by Khalils Setareh)
Bitch #7 Ch Al A'Lim Johara (sired by Khalils Setareh)
Bitch #9 Ch Khalils Aysu
Bitch #12 Khalils Bashirah
Bitch #33 Ch Khalils Choraafa Cora
Combined shows and lure coursing
Male #3 Ch Khalils Baseem Bikr
Male #4 Ch Khalils Aynur
Male #5 Ch Al A'lim Jawdat (sired by Khalils Setareh)
Bitch #5 Ch Khalils Choraafa Cora
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